
Law & Tech

Here you can find some content that I've created through my time being a researcher and some projects as a front-end developer on my new coding journey. More projects will be included as soon as they're ready!


Coming from an academic family, it was very important to me to acquire knowledge in life and leave the world a better place than I've found it. Over the years in my research career, I've published a few things, but my most important work it's my book, which you can buy at the link below. To see all my publications, please go to my online curriculum.


Dictionary app

Using React and multiple APIs, this dictionary was built from scratch with similar bases to the previous React project. This website gives you a definition of any word you look for, even in other languages because the API used is able to identify multiple languages. It also gives you a few images related to the word you searched for. Give it a try!



React weather app

This app was another version of the weather app created in Vanilla JS, but now using the React library. With an API from another host, this project was built using components, hooks, animated icons, unit conversion, etc. It's also responsive so it can adapt to smaller screens.

Weather app

This website was built from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JS, for my final project on the SheCodes Plus course. Unfortunately, it's not fully responsive. Built with a search engine and integration to the OpenWeather API, which provides real data information about the weather.




This website currently browsing was my final project for the responsive course. It has been built from scratch using HTML and responsive CSS techniques. Several tools were applied such as Bootstrap, and this website is also SEO-friendly.

Crossfit app

The goal was to build a website of something you like, from scratch, using coding fundamentals that I've learned in SheCodes basic course. This one-page website includes specifics HTML elements, CSS properties, and Javascript functionalities.



Love calculator

This is an example of little projects that I've made during my free time, like a calculator, snake-game, or this love game to test your compatibility with someone. My goal's to keep practicing and improving my abilities, testing new things and coding tips. Go ahead and try it!